All journeys have secret destinations, of which the traveler is unaware.

I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am. Philippians 4:11b


Mail Call

So, when I get paid on Tuesday I have lots more support letters to send out. People that I go to church with or that I see in person on a regular basis got theirs hand delivered to them. So when I get some more $$ on Tuesday I can get the letters in the mail for those unlucky souls that don't get to see me on a regular basis (yeah, I'm kidding.) But anyway, I think once I get these out I'll have sent out around 60-70 letters, so if every single letter I sent comes back with $100 I'll be set. Yeah, just kidding again. I know that won't happen, but I know the money will come in. Finances are tough for everyone right now, so I'm just being hopeful that if people are able to give something to help me out, then God will show them that. I'm also praying that if there is anyone that I need to send a letter to, that I might have overlooked, then He'll show me that too. I'd really like to be able to leave before the end of the year.....but there's always a little voice telling me that 2 1/2 months isn't very long to raise 7 grand. I know it's the devil, but it still gets to me sometimes. I need to just learn to say "get behind me satan" but I guess I just forget sometimes. Like Peter when he was walking on the water...he was doing so well, and then he started to see the waves and the wind and he started doubting ya know...He was probably thinking to himself "wait a minute, I can't walk on water, am I really doing this?" and of course he really was doing it with God's help, but once a little tiny bit of doubt crept in he just started sinking. But even then, while he was sinking Jesus was right there to lift him up. So I need to just let got of this whole money thing. I'm sending out letters to everyone I can think of until I can't think of anyone else. God will do the rest. Whenever the right time for me to go is, the money will be there. I've been really busy at work lately too. I've worked around 16 hours of over time in the last two weeks. So my next paycheck will hopefully be enough to catch up on most of my bills and maybe get the oil changed in my car (it's been forever.) well, I'm pretty much out of anything interesting to say now.

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