All journeys have secret destinations, of which the traveler is unaware.

I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am. Philippians 4:11b


hey everybody!

It's been a while, I know.  Sorry.  I actually got pretty decent wireless access in my room this week so I"m posting an update for once.  To those of you that are supposed to be getting my updates, a huge I'm sorry, but my Yahoo email is not acting right lately and I can't send anything so far.  I hope you're all doing great! Just to keep you updated, I got immersed two weeks ago.  I realized after a lot of thought and prayer that the first time I got "baptized" I was not old enough to understand what I was doing.  I'm sure that I understand now and I'm confident that I've made the right decision. 
So far in school I have 9 students.  One of my students has left the school, I'm not totally sure if it's her decision, or her parents, there's a lot of pressure in Ghana for students to go to government schools, so I'm just not sure. She's still been coming to assembly so hopefully she'll continue to grow in Christ, even in the public school system.  Our new Volunteer, Larua got here about a week ago.  She seems to be adjusting pretty well to life here.  I have been sick this week, probably malaria, even though I didn't get tested, Mr. H thinks that's probably what it was, and after taking the malaria meds I feel better.  So I guess I'm officially in the club now, haha.  well, my time is running out online so I guess I'll keep it short for now.  Please keep praying for the work here, I'm praying for you all. 
Love you all