All journeys have secret destinations, of which the traveler is unaware.

I have learned to be content in whatever circumstance I am. Philippians 4:11b


So, I'm over at a friend's house baby sitting tonight. The kids have been in bed around 45 minutes, it's quiet. There's a book on the table about AIDS orphans in Ethiopia. It's crazy how blind some Americans can be to the needs of the rest of the world. My boss was talking about how he'd NEVER ever go to Mississippi or Alabama or even Louisiana, he really looks down on those places and he's not shy about it. He knows that my brother's family JUST moved to Mississippi this week. When I was getting ready to go to Africa he flat-out said that Africa was "one place he has absolutely no desire to go to." I mean, I want to go EVERYWHERE so that thought process just doesn't make sense to me to begin with. It's very discouraging to see people that you know are looked at with higher regard than you and then see that kind of attitude out of them. It's very disappointing to me and discouraging too considering that the place he has "no desire" to go is the very place I'm dying to go back to. It seems to confuse some of the people that I work with when I try to explain the whole "missionary thing" to them. They continually ask if I'll get paid while I'm over there and what will I do for a job when I get back.....they just don't get it. The sad part is they probably think they're good Christians. And some of the are...don't get me wrong, but it seems like some of them are A LOT more interested in making money than in making this world a better place. Ghana is really pulling at me hardcore lately. I emailed the guy in charge at the school early this week, but he hasn't replied yet. I'm just very anxiously waiting to hear from him. In God's time I guess. Okay, that's enough ranting on social responsibility for tonight.

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